Visa Angels, Visa Assistance 

Visa Angels of Cuenca is a group of volunteer expats wishing to help future expats to get their residency visas without using an attorney or facilitator. The process for 95% of those coming here is straightforward and easy. We are able to assist you with the process, saving you hundreds to thousands of dollars. If you would like more information please contact us. We are looking forward to helping you join the expat community.

Guess who?

So a regular mad house at Immigration this week.  They changed their hours to allow for the kids return to school.  It was packed but we stood strong and Peri and Steve walked away with their visas.  Sad part had to go back the next morning to submit info for cedula.  Nothing worked at Immigration  so we waited and waited but 3 hours later we had submitted the info needed for their cedulas.  Wednesday next week we shall go get those wonderful cedulas and Peri and Steve will be totally established as residents here in Cuenca.

Check out those smiling faces.  Also got an extended tourist visa.   We don't usually do non immigrant visas but it was an emergency, so now I know that process and wouldn't you know it, we have another emergency need of a 12-9, so tomorrow along with 7 retiree visas; Visa Angels will be helping her get that extended tourist visa.  She will be having surgery and did not want to have to worry about becoming irregular here.  No one is illegal anymore they are irregular.

Having fun in Cuenca helping all the future residents coming here for less.  Till next time