Visa Angels, Visa Assistance 

Visa Angels of Cuenca is a group of volunteer expats wishing to help future expats to get their residency visas without using an attorney or facilitator. The process for 95% of those coming here is straightforward and easy. We are able to assist you with the process, saving you hundreds to thousands of dollars. If you would like more information please contact us. We are looking forward to helping you join the expat community.

Finally David has it all.

We are prepafing to receive about 10 visas in the first 2 weeks of Novembear.  We are filing an investment cd tomorrow and more retirees during the nextcouple of weeks.
Today we got David's cedula.  We delayed getting the cedula due to Jodie's injury and David's container inspection in Guayaquil and the actual arrival here in Cuenca of his container. 
Now David can enjoy all the benefits of being a resident.
For those who are not aware Immigration is closed the first Monday and Tuesday in November for the holiday.
Remember join the success stories and not the disaster stories that are happening here in Cuenca.